The final moment....

In the bigger scheme of things, when all is said and done, the final destination, for each and everyone of us, is the grave. Yet the human spirit, in spite of this certainty, never ceases to amaze me.

Against all odds and trusting the universe, we love, experience happiness, endure sadness and feel every other variation of emotion.  We  take up sport, go to work, travel the world and engage in every form of physical activity.  We interact, adopt a belief system, help those in need, contribute to charities, support and fight for causes.  We engage with animals, plants and those that share the planet with us.  We take up spouses, have children and start families.

All of this so that when we reach that final moment, that moment, which is inevitable, that we can let go and leave it all behind, with the knowledge that we have been privileged enough, to have lived life.


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