
The new house is warm and cozy.  It feels familiar and an expression of my own individuality.  At first I was skeptical that I would ever get use to the place, but now even after a day it feels wholly familiar.  The memories that I thought I would be retaining have faded and been replaced by a certain contentment that I feel.  I finally have a space in the universe that I can truly call my own, even if only for the blink of an eye.

This is a place I can fully express myself, something until now, I never knew how importance of.   In the past, my expression would be scattered and littered amongst the expression of others, a shelf here a cabinet there, but to have a space to entirely contain my own expression of self is truly bliss.

The personalization of space seems to be something that every human being requires.  Even in the open plan areas at work I have noticed how many have stuck photographs, added fairies or pictures that their kids have drawn to their areas to demarcate their own personal space.  We all want a place that is familiar to us and reflects our personal identity and individuality.  Things that we can associate with to create a sense of comfort and security.

This trend seems to be more prevalent in women then in men.  And even though I have an office of my own I have noticed, since I have been at work, a complete lack of identity.  Instead I see piles of organized chaos strewn all over the place.  I have an urge to clear out the deluge and introduce a few discerning objects that will reflect my being.  This since I have moved into my own space.  The reason for this, I assume, is because in the past I was in a space where remnants of my own self expression was strewn between the expression of those I was involved with.

This I suspect, was to create the impression that I also shared the space.  It was but a meager attempt and  a constant reminder of being part of someones space.  Not having a personal space in which to express myself created a veiled view of me as I struggled to find synergy in a space that was not mine.

In my opinion, it is important to find a space you can call your own.  A place where you can express yourself to the fullest so that you can present yourself to the world exactly as you are.  In my case though, there is a drawback, I seem to have very expensive taste :-)


  1. Many a times external space merely defines the internal. Too many times we simply do not make space within our own minds for ourselves. However, often finding an external space which exudes tranquillity, comfort, individuality and personality (in other words “me-ness”) encourages the development of me-space within one’s self. I applaud you for having found this space. Spend a while marking each iota of your space with precious moments; moments memorable enough to overshadow all else.

    Remember a possession attains the level of precious due to an assimilation or injection of your essence. Do not let a possession be your essence.

  2. First get rid of that big white monster in the lounge ;-)

  3. Ummmm.... Hallo ma! My thoughts exactly, sort of. What does anonymous mean?


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