To Give...

It is sometimes difficult to look beyond the outer exterior to the inner beauty.  It is easier to get caught up in our needs and what we want then to look beyond them and focus on what we have to give.  It is easier to judge then to see the others for what they really are.

And I am guilty on all counts! On this journey of life, I have discovered that my behavior, thinking and action has largely been shaped by my fears and my insecurities. This to such an extent that it tainted my view of the world.

But I am glad to say that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The change, most profound, came when I realised that I was already living my life's purpose, and having realised this asked the question "am I giving it my best shot?".  I realised then, that comparing my life, to how others had lived or are living their lives, created the fears and the insecurities, that I had not found my purpose in life. And this made me forget what I had to be grateful for. And gratitude is the cornerstone of a fulfilling happy life.

There is much wisdom in the words "count your blessings".  For when we truly count our blessings, and not just pay lip service to it, but really count from the most obvious i.e. the kids, the house, etc. to the least obvious, ability to write, to think, to reason etc. that we realise the treasure trove that we have, and we have no option but to give thanks.  And gratitude breeds contentment, and contentment removes our fears and insecurities and gives us the freedom to focus on giving.

Giving from the point of contentment, means that we give without expectation and giving without expectation is true giving.  And when you truly give, then and only then are you living your life's purpose.

As for me, I am still "counting my blessings" :-)


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