Is someone lighting the way?

I was chatting to an old friend, that I have not seen or heard from, in the last thirty odd years.  Catching up and discovering what we remembered, of a time long gone, brought smiles, laughter and an unexpected flood of emotions.  These emotions had, for all intent and purposes, been buried deep under the auspices of "growing up".  The feeling of invincibility, daring, lust for life, and all the rest that gives a certain sparkle to the youth. It felt so good to feel that way again and, it seemed as though all my trails and tribulations had vanished. And when this had passed, I saw the world in a new light.

While basking in this light I recalled what a very wise man told me a couple of years ago.  I was about to go on pilgrimage and was looking for some material that would provide a deeper understanding of the journey.  Two days before my departure, I was visited by this wise man, who sat with me giving me an insight into the pilgrimage that could never be gleaned from any printed matter. I thanked him, and he turned to me and said, "whenever you are in need, the Almighty will place a person in your life to light the way.  Give thanks and be grateful."

At this juncture in my life, I can now see those that have been placed in my life to light the way and I hope in my small way I am lighting their way, and, for this privilege I am ever thankful and above all grateful.


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