Through the crowded streets of that most famous of Indian cities, where the multitudes flock in the hope of fulfilling their dreams, of being discovered, and, hopefully, finding a way out of the existence to which they were born. An existence which is typified by shacks which slowly morph into permanent dwellings with narrow lanes and the piles of detritus which merges into the landscape. The have and have nots interspersed creating a contrasting landscape of emphasized opulence with squalor of basic human existence.

For the have nots, a treadmill, seeking whatever means is available for a couple of rupees to stem the hunger for a day, or for the more fortunate, saving and betting against the odds of creating a better lifestyle.  Of moving into one of the high density apartments, which form the core of the residential quarters, that make up the city.

Stores and stalls of all shapes and sizes compete for space as the myriad of entrepreneurs fight to lure the throngs that are constantly on the move.  Taxi's, tuk tuks and vehicles fill the streets to capacity and beyond in an attempt to transport their cargo to their designated destinations.  The sound of car horns fill the air as cars pass each other narrowly missing each other and avoiding catastrophe in what must be one of the most challenging places to drive.

Occasionally the odd cow or bull beats a path through the traffic ambling to a destination unknown.  The occasional goat scoring a heap of rubbish searching for a tasty morsel. A monkey on a leash following its master trying to part a hard earned rupee from its owner.  A vendor shouldering a block of ice in a bucket offering flavored shaved ice enticing passers by to fend of the stifling sticky heat.  A peanut vendor with a little stove roasting nuts filling cones with his wares.  A huge balloon, the size of a young boy, being wielded by a vendor trying to convince the throngs to part with their money.

All this in a city that does not sleep, a city that tickles the tongue with its flavorsome spicy food, a city that saps the hope of so many, a city that shows no mercy, a city that throws up fabulous bargains, a city that is powered by the energy of millions of hopefuls, a city I have come to love.....Mumbai :-)          


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