The lighter side of travel...
I cannot wait for the day that they discover how to teleport you from one place to another instantaneously. Even though the pundits claim that air travel has made the world a smaller place, and I do not deny it, in my book it is not small enough. The fact that I need to sit around for eight or nine hours, unable to do much but stare at some screen, is totally unacceptable by todays standards.
What has happened to the research and development in air travel? Oh, it is there, however I think it is completely misdirected. It would seem that the only research that airlines and airplane manufacturers are concerned about is working out how to get more and more people into economy class. I am surprised, or maybe its just early days, that they have not yet figured out that if they reduce the isle so that you could only walk sideways down it they can get more people into the plane.
"And what about safety?" do you say, well let me ask you this, when last have you heard of any survivors in a plane crash? Being an avid fan of Air Crash Investigation on TV one thing I am convinced of is that the safety regulations on aircraft, while effective in some cases, is really there to convince us that they have at least thought about safety or rather considered it. If you think of it sitting in a craft, totally encapsulated by it, then expecting that a safety belt around your waist is gonna be effective when you are travelling at over 800km/h you got another thing coming. Consider this when you sit in a race car they put you in a four or six point harness and it only reaches over 300km/h. So there, I rest my case!
But coming back to the issue of time spent travelling through the air, how come there has been no successor to the Concorde? What is that you ask? For those too young or those who's memory has faded them, it was an airplane developed in the 60's, and went into service in 1976. It was capable of of flying at speeds of up to 2179km/h. It was removed from service in November 2003. How come they never produced a more improved version of this aircraft instead of the A380 with its increased passenger capacity proving that while airlines are committed to putting more people into the air, there is very little being spent on making these planes faster, or at least so it seems like to me.
So what we need is a revolution in travel, not just an upgrade! So role on teleportation! But to be honest it's not really the about saving the time, what I really want to be able to do is say "beam me up Scottie!" and mean it! :-)
Where's Scottie....and what does he do when you are up and for another thing where is up.....just asking