
In recent months, after many years of absence, I decided to start fishing again.  In the hope of landing the "big one" I have kitted myself out with some nifty fishing tackle-although there are a few bits and pieces that still need to be had-and a good dash of camping equipment to make life a little more comfortable at waters edge.  After arriving and setting up I cast the lines in and settle down to enjoy the day.

If there is one thing that I cannot not seem to get right is the placement of equipment.  For the rest of the day I would be stepping over things and bumping things over negotiating a maze of stuff to get to where I want to be.  In spite of the wide open space, I successfully manage to economize on the little area under the gazebo to mine own detriment.  All hope faded at finding a solution to this problem.

That was until a few weeks ago when everything changed.  I was looking at the gentleman fishing next to me and I could not believe mine eyes.  It was as though his spot had been cut out of a magazine and relocated to the edge of the water.  Even when the braai was whipped out, it was as if though it was meant to be just there, where it was placed.  It was as though he had consulted with an interior designer to work out the placement of everything from the gazebo to the fishing rods standing neatly in a row.  Everything had a place and looked like it was meant to be placed just so.  He had mastered the art of setting up the most pristine fishing spot I have ever seen.

While not entirely convinced that such a feat could be achieved without professional help, the next time I was at waters edge convinced me otherwise.  On arriving at the spot, I noticed that a family, I had never seen before, had come and settled down on the spot to the right of me and to the left of me was the gentleman mentioned above.  This family took it to a new level all together!  Not only did they have everything at hand-I usually find on arrival at the fishing spot I have forgotten something critical like bait or my fishing rods etc.-even the kids seemed to be appropriately placed.  But even more fascinating than that was the pack up later in the day.

For an hour and a half I stared as everything was gathered together wiped down folded or dismantled and packed away neatly into its designated storage bag.  Now, if you have experience with this you will be hard pressed to believe this, but they even managed to get the gazebo with its top covering into the bag that it originally came in! A feat that I had never witnessed before that day! I had always assumed that the only way I would be able to get the covering back into its bag was to purchase the same equipment that was used by the manufacturer to fold and pack the gazebo top or that the thing, responding to the sun, water and fresh air had got bigger and for this reason could never be folded back to its original size.

These have inspired me and given me new hope to which I could aspire too.  Fishing has taken on a new meaning for me. No more is it about just catching the "big one" it is about striving for perfection in the setup and breakdown of the equipment one step at a time.  

Now if I can just figure out where to place my tackle box.... ;-)


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