My Happiness Project - What Makes Me Happy
Getting to this list was quite an exercise. The dilemma I faced was exactly how would I classify what makes me happy? In order to do this I first had to examine what would I classify as being happy? And this made me realise that it is this very aspect that makes us different. So while we may all have some common things that we derive happiness from, how it contributes to making us feel happy will be fundamentally different. To start with I started at the easiest place, material wealth. I examined the things that I have acquired over time and when I looked at most of the things that I have, while it gave me a sense of achievement that I had managed to acquire these things, that was where it stopped. And while a sense of achievement is a good feeling, and may contribute to my overall state of happiness I felt that it was not a major contributor. I recall that after both my divorces that, materially, I had left behind most of my possessions and not to...