Forbidden Thoughts
The last post to my blog resulted in a number of comments on the style of writing and while this peaked my interest the comment that "this was my take on the subject" is what really made me think. With this in mind I reread the post and realised that this was in fact my take on the subject. Not only that, but this was a reflection of a life experience and the way I hoped it would have turned out but, alas, it was not to be. Prompted by this realisation I felt compelled to examine my thought processes, do some research and decide what exactly constitutes a forbidden thought. Firstly it became quite clear to me that most of us have forbidden thoughts and most of the time these are harmless. It is when we decide to manifest these thoughts that they become potentially life changing and may affect those around us and especially those that are closest to us. They can be of such a nature that they challenge or contradict our belief systems,...